
A photography career can be exciting and rewarding for those passionate about capturing images and expressing themselves creatively. However, it can also be highly competitive and physically demanding, with inconsistent income and a need to stay up-to-date with the latest technology. As with any career, there are pros and cons to consider before pursuing a career in photography.

The Good:

  • Creative expression: Photography offers a unique opportunity to use creativity to capture images communicating a particular message or emotion.
  • Variety of specialties: Photography has a wide variety of specialties, such as portrait, wedding, fashion, product, and sports photography, among others, providing many options for specialization.
  • Flexibility: Many photographers can work freelance or on contract, providing greater flexibility in their work schedule and lifestyle.
  • Self-employment opportunities: Photographers can start their businesses and work for themselves, allowing them greater career control.
  • Possibility of travel: Some photography specialties, such as travel and nature photography, can offer the opportunity to travel and explore new places.

The Bad:

  • Highly competitive: The field of photography is highly competitive, with many skilled photographers competing for a limited number of jobs.
  • Inconsistent income: Photographers may experience fluctuations in income, primarily if they work on a freelance or contract basis.
  • Physical demands: Photography can be physically demanding, requiring photographers to stand or move around for extended periods while carrying heavy equipment.

The Ugly:

  • Low pay: Entry-level positions in photography may pay little, requiring photographers to work their way up the career ladder.
  • Long hours: Photographers may work long hours, especially during peak seasons, such as weddings and holidays.
  • High costs: Starting a photography business can be expensive, requiring investment in equipment, studio space, and marketing.
  • Rejection: Photographers may face rejection and criticism of their work, which can be demotivating.
Photography by Miranda
Photography by Javier
Photography by Miranda
Photography by Jaylen


If you are interested in photography as a career or to increase your chances of acceptance into your dream college or university, here are the recommended courses you might want to choose as your two s(electives). These courses will provide a solid foundation in graphic design's fundamental concepts and techniques.

  1. Graphic Design *
  2. Digital Photography
  3. Video Production
  4. Digital Media Capstone *

 * = Required Courses | View Course Descriptions


Adobe PhotoshopLightroom ClassicAdobe Premiere Pro

Advanced Standing Credit.

Students may elect to further their education in our Graphic Design and Communications program at the Rockwell Campus. You may be eligible for Advanced Standing Credit for the courses completed in our program. The Graphic Design and Communications instructor will decide on Advanced Standing Credit based on your skill set. Earning your industry certification in that course can increase the likelihood of being granted Advanced Standing Credit.
Our Course Graphic Design and Communications
Graphic Design Multimedia & Image Management Techniques with Photoshop
Digital Photography Digital Editing & Production Photography

The Future.

With the skills you will have acquired, you have various options available. One option is to continue your education and further specialize in the field. Another option is to seek employment opportunities in the field, which may include working in-house for a company or agency or freelancing and building your client base. Whichever direction you choose, continue to hone your skills and stay up-to-date with the latest tools and trends in the industry to remain competitive and successful.

The Stats.

Projected Growth in Oklahoma
Projected Annual Job Openings in Oklahoma
Median Annual Salary for Photographer Occupations in Oklahoma

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