In a remarkable achievement, Grayson Schlabach, a Home School student, and Sophia Yates, a student from Edmond North, have clinched victories in Certiport’s 2023 Adobe Certified Professional Fall Qualifier.
The Qualifier Journey:
To participate in the Fall Qualifier, students aged 13 to 22 had to earn an invitation by successfully passing an Adobe Certified Professional exam in Photoshop or Illustrator. The challenge also involved submitting an original design by December 15, 2023. Grayson and Sophia demonstrated their technical proficiency and creative prowess, earning them a well-deserved spot among the top projects.
Representing Oklahoma:
These young talents are set to represent Oklahoma at the 2023 Adobe Certified Professional U.S. National Championship in Orlando, Florida, in June. This national event is not just a competition; it’s a platform where top students come together, network, share ideas, and showcase their exceptional skills.
The Road Ahead:
The journey doesn’t end in Orlando. The top three winners of the U.S. National Championship will be crowned as the U.S. National Champions. This honor brings them glory and a coveted opportunity to compete in Certiport’s 2024 Adobe Certified Professional World Championship in Anaheim, California. This global stage will see champions worldwide, making it an unparalleled experience for Grayson and Sophia if their skills advance them to the next round.
Celebrating Excellence:
Grayson Schlabach and Sophia Yates are showcasing their talent and bringing pride to their schools and the state of Oklahoma. The journey to becoming an Adobe Certified Professional is challenging, and Grayson and Sophia have proven that they not only meet but exceed these challenges. As they embark on the road to the U.S. National Championship, Francis Tuttle wishes them the best; we are confident they will represent Oklahoma with distinction and use their creativity to the fullest.