Roberto Rubio, a student at Edmond North High School, is using his design skills to make a difference in our community. Roberto recently worked with the Happy Dog Farm Foundation, a non-profit organization focused on rescuing senior dogs, to create a new website.
Utilizing his skills learned in Interactive Media, Roberto developed a user-friendly website that showcases the organization’s mission and dogs. Although working with real clients had him a bit nervous, Rubio was thrilled to see his work go live and make an impact.
In addition to creating the website, Rubio suggested adding merchandising to the site and even volunteered his skills to design some products to help support the organization. His dedication and enthusiasm for this project are making a positive impact on the community.
“We are so pleased with the beautiful web site Roberto has created for Happy Dog Farm” said a Patty Lane from the Happy Dog Farm Foundation.
Roberto’s work with the Happy Dog Farm Foundation is a testament to how young people can make a difference in their communities. With dedication and a willingness to learn, students like Roberto can use their skills to create positive change in the world around them.